


santa cruz                hypnotherapy        

Private Sessions 

              hypnotherapist; santa cruz hypnotherapist; life coach; NLP; santa cruz  life coach


Welcome!  Ready to live fully and express your potential - personally, professionally, in relationship? Be happy, self-confident and fulfilled, and live a life you LOVE?

I am here for you.

In working with clients for over 30 years, I have developed a highly effective approach for you to    overcome issues, and to live your life joyfully.

It is my joy and privilege to be your guide, coach and confidant on this journey, whether it is for

a few sessions, a few months or a lifetime.

hypnosis, couples, santa cruz couples counseling santa cruz

Happy to be of support to you virtually and in person.  

Celebrating over 30 Years

 In Business

Listen to a Radio Interview about Karin and her work:
MP3 format (4.3Mb) or WAV format (3.2Mb)


My mission is to assist people from all walks of life to rapidly move towards dreams and goals, in balance with the natural unfolding from within.  While my approach is achievement oriented, I anticipate and help you to integrate the "sudden flash of light" and unexplainable magic of inner shifts. My commitment is to facilitate your Inner Evolution, while you shape your life according to your intentions. I support you to manifest your life goals, as well as help you to fine-tune daily choices and habits.

Thank you for visiting  My hope is you continue to be delighted by the beauty, power and potential of who you are, enjoying fully who you are becoming.

Warm Regards,


© 2000 - 2022 Karin H. Leonard - All rights reserved worldwide.
Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited.


Rounded Rectangle:   2015

Listen to a Radio Interview

about Karin Leonard and her work

For information or to

schedule appointments:

(831) 724-5400



What is Inner Evolution?



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