Part Two


By Karin Leonard

In Part One we explored conditional versus “natural” happiness. The conclusion was that you can greatly influence the level of joy you experience every day of your life. Today, let’s find out how to boost happiness on a regular basis.

Choose Happiness

To be happy is essentially a decision, and begins with the intention to experience joy. Throughout the day, you encounter many choice points. Every day, you make countless decisions: you determine your actions, and less visibly, you choose the focus of your thoughts. Are you obsessing about the crowded highway, do you stew over irritations with coworkers are you simply rehearsing what’s not working in your life? Or do you choose to notice the gifts in your day, like the friendly words of a stranger, the reward of a task well done, or the luxury of long summer evenings?

If you concentrate on being happy, just as with any goal, you are more likely to experience joy. Remember, what you focus on grows. Might as well water the flowers, and not the weeds. Sure, there are plenty of problems, and each day brings new challenges that need to be addressed. Yet you determine whether everyday life leaves you gloomy or glad. How you interpret the events of the day is up to you, and that will greatly influence your level of happiness.

Make Happiness Happen

Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung defined happiness as “living in harmony with who we are meant to be.” In other words, as we express more of our potential and find out what makes us happy, we can actively take charge of experiencing bliss. This starts with identifying simple acts that bring you pleasure, like a walk on the beach or coffee with a friend, to fulfilling your soul’s purpose. How happy you are reflects the quality of your life from moment to moment, along with being on track with your goals and intentions.

Do you enjoy the journey, in addition to the results you produce?  What are your requirements for happiness

from your soul’s desires to the everyday joys that will have you smiling?  If greater happiness is a priority for you, may I suggest you go on a quest for understanding what “being in harmony with who you are meant to be” signifies to you. 

Grow Happiness

In his book “The Art of Happiness,” the Dalai Lama states that a significant purpose of life is to cultivate and share happiness. According to the spiritual and political leader of Tibet, happiness is essentially a state of mind. Drawing on his 60-year, in-depth experience of monastic contemplation, he describes how clearing the mind of negativity, and connecting with our deep self brings lasting happiness.

Think of your mind as a deep lake. Whether the surface of the water is welling up with huge waves, or displaying peaceful ripples, the bottom of the lake stays relatively calm. And as you align with the deeper levels of your being, you will be less affected by the daily up and down. How to do that? Regular reflection or meditation helps. A peaceful mind is conducive to joy.

In conclusion, you can cultivate happiness through both doing and being: make it easy to experience joy in your daily life, and inquire deeply into the longings of your soul.


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Karin Leonard & Associates:  (831) 724-5400  

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